23rd to 25th May 2025.

Aulangon Suuri Huvila, Hämeenlinna, Finland.


Schedules are not final and are subject to change. More to come!


18:00 - Doors open


12:00 - Deadline for all compos

15:00 - Game compo (game to be announced at the party)

22:00 - Competitions!

00:00 - Voting closes

01:00 - Prizegiving


12:00 - Party over, help us clean or get da heck out


A celebration of the Motorola 68000 CPU and its derivatives. Compo machines include Amiga, Atari ST, classic Macs, Sega Mega Drive, SNK Neo Geo, and more.

In addition to the usual computin' stuff, you also get to enjoy the beautiful Finnish countryside. There's going to be sauna and grilling, and you can also take a swim in the lake if you feel like it!


23rd to 25th May 2025, at Aulangon Suuri Huvila, Hämeenlinna, Finland.

Info about the venue. There's a very limited amount of computer spaces available, and are on a first come, first served basis. Beds are available for most visitors (also first come, first served), and a hotel is only two kilometers away. Important: if you sleep at the party place, you need to bring your own bed linen!

The party place is easily reachable by car. You can also take the train to Hämeenlinna and then take a taxi to the party place.


Tickets are 60€ per person. Sign up by filling out this form.

Circa 60 tickets are available. Note that signing up does not guarantee you entrance to the party. We will contact you with payment information when your ticket is confirmed.


  1. ricky martin / dekadence
  2. Britelite / Dekadence
  3. Sanity / Dkd
  4. platon42 / Desire^Nectarine^TTE
  5. chavez / funktion
  6. Paaris / Trilobit
  7. oasiz
  8. Nosfe / FAG
  9. Mankeli / Extend
  10. elhigu / Funktion
  11. codise / Alumni^AFWD^Dahlia
  12. Terwiz / Alumni ^ Byterapers ^ Wide Load ^ #amigafin
  13. Charlie / Singular Crew
  14. duet / afwd
  15. GGN / KÜA software productions/D-Bug/Bello Games
  16. Claustro / Damones
  17. wal / damones^dekadence
  18. jmi / Kasettilamerit ^ #amigafin
  19. Zer0-X / afwd ^ klm ^ oms ^ sps
  20. aakko / CBMretro
  21. Mr.Spiv / Scoopex
  22. mace / Extream
  23. Emphii / Extream
  24. Jope / Extend
  25. H7 / TRSI
  26. bonefish
  27. muhmi / extend
  28. Sir Garbagetruck / Accession
  29. lpl
  30. Chaj / Dekadence
  31. Et / DHS
  32. Evil / DHS
  34. T-101 / Darklite ^ Primitive
  35. joga
  36. Greippi / Finity^Zymosis
  37. WizTom / Aggression
  38. spkr / smfx
  39. gigabates / Desire
  40. Doclands / The Overlanders
  41. zerkman / sector one
  42. luutifa / Mehu
  43. Insu / Damones
  44. mei


Submitting entries and voting

Specifics about submitting entries is coming soon.



256 byte intro

Wild demo



Compo notes

Examples of machines allowed in the non-wild compos:

Basically anything running a 68000 to 68060, including variants, is allowed. FPGA/Raspberry Pi -based accelerators go in the wild compo.

We will provide the following machines:

Additionally, we can bring the following machines if requested well in advance (i.e. at least one week before the party):

For any machine that’s not listed here, be prepared to either bring your own machine (with knowledge of how to make it work with an OSSC or similar) or provide a pre-recorded video of your productions. (mp4 format preferred) The latter is the safest bet. We may also pre-record demos for the compos, depending on technical limitations.

Compo prizes will not be mailed out to remote entries. However, you can arrange to have someone at the party pick your prize up for you.

We cannot guarantee a compo stream, but we'll give it a try for sure. Be sure to subscribe to Dekadence's Twitch channel!


Please be respectful toward all party visitors. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other similar behavior will not be tolerated. You will be told to knock it off, and continued bad behavior will get you ejected from the party. Additionally, disruptive behavior due to extreme inebriation will also not be tolerated. If your only purpose in coming to the party is getting shitfaced and being annoying to everyone, stay home. In short, don't be a shithead, regarding anything.

All this is in addition to the rules of the venue itself and Finnish laws, which must also be followed.

We're all here to grill, chill, and have a good time!





Brought to you by Dekadence and Helsingfors Svenska Demoscensklubben.

Come chat with us on the Jumalauta Discord or IRCnet, #68k-inside on both.